Angelic Multidimensional Healing
This healing system is, to me, the most complete healing system that there is available at this time. The healing comes through from the appropriate beings, be that from Angelic, Ascended Master, Galactic or even with the Divine Source and is then merged with my Healing Angel before the energy then merges with the recipients. It is conducted with just a very light hands on touch and is capable of working on the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental levels. You are totally in charge of all healing received, I do not give the healing to you, you draw what is required. It is very, comforting, loving and supportive and can be extremely transformative.
The treatment usually takes around 45 minutes in total but time is spent both before and after the treatment to talk through your reasons for coming and what may have happened during the treatment. Enjoy - Angela. Book a Session
Angel Heart Healing Course

Animated Pictures - Alana Fairchild: Rumi Oracle Cards
AMD Practitioner Course
AMD is a powerful healing method whereby the practitioner works in union with the Highest energies of the Angelic Realm and with the Ascended Healing Masters of Light of this Solar System, Galaxy and Universe to help bring about wholeness and balance on all levels to those receiving the energy. In many 'traditional' hands-on-healing modalities the therapist acts as a channel for Divine/Universal energies: in this system the energies of the Angelic and other Higher Dimensional Realms merge with the practitioner's, who acts as a focus in the physical realm for those Higher energies to be channelled to and for the recipient.

Animated Pictures - Alana Fairchild: Rumi Oracle Cards